Case Studies
In Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, combusting coal has produced so much coal that it is visible in the air and the smell is horrible. The pollution problem is caused by the coal, even though the coal is what gets them through the winter. The coal is used to produce energy and warmth and smoke floats out of every chimney, keeping them warm, but also affecting their health. People are getting pneumonia and the politicians are not serving the people or controlling the pollution by providing better services
In India's river of Ganges, there is another story of horrible pollution. The waters used to be very clean and a vital source of water for many, but now industrial waste and sewage pours into the river, discoloring and contaminating it. There is also a high level of fecal coliform, a clear indicator of how much sewage is in the water. This river has a religious significance that has also been impacted
- Mexico has sunk dozens of feet in the last 60 years because a majority of the people rely on water that is extracted from an aquifer below. By using this aquifer, buildings have started to lean in and sink to the ground at a very fast rate. The city is literally sinking because of the water being used underground. As the population grows, more people will be needing water, making the situation worse

In Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, combusting coal has produced so much coal that it is visible in the air and the smell is horrible. The pollution problem is caused by the coal, even though the coal is what gets them through the winter. The coal is used to produce energy and warmth and smoke floats out of every chimney, keeping them warm, but also affecting their health. People are getting pneumonia and the politicians are not serving the people or controlling the pollution by providing better services
In India's river of Ganges, there is another story of horrible pollution. The waters used to be very clean and a vital source of water for many, but now industrial waste and sewage pours into the river, discoloring and contaminating it. There is also a high level of fecal coliform, a clear indicator of how much sewage is in the water. This river has a religious significance that has also been impacted
- Mexico has sunk dozens of feet in the last 60 years because a majority of the people rely on water that is extracted from an aquifer below. By using this aquifer, buildings have started to lean in and sink to the ground at a very fast rate. The city is literally sinking because of the water being used underground. As the population grows, more people will be needing water, making the situation worse

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