Title: Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrids Spotted in Canadian Arctic
Author: Catherine Jex
Date: June 6, 2016
Source: ScienceNordic
URL: http://sciencenordic.com/grizzly-polar-bear-hybrids-spotted-canadian-arctic

Because of climate change, polar bears are forced onto land during spring and summer because of the shrinking Arctic. Grizzly bears are coming out of hibernation earlier and going into polar bear territories, causing them to mate. While this mating occurrence is not unique, since there is a large chance of the Arctic ice disappearing further at its rapid pace, this mating is going to become more common. The outcome of their mating is a hybrid of both species, polar and grizzly bear. As seen when studying the next generation of these hybrids, it is clear that they are more three fourths grizzly and only one fourth polar, meaning that the unique characteristics of the polar bear is in the process of being lost.
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